Monday, August 30, 2010

A Change of Pace

Being back home in the US is great, although oddly disenchanting.  Sometimes I feel like someone that knows a secret she isn't supposed to tell. How do you return to ordinary life after having experienced something more? I don't want to resume business as usual. How do I maintain what I've learned? I'm still working on that answer whether it's getting a fresh start by acquiring a new apartment, a new job, or a new degree.  I should change my routine.
One main difference I've noticed within myself is that I really have achieved a broader perspective on things and do feel (gasp) more patient.  While I still try to take every opportunity I can--I understand that success is not achieved because of one or two magic moments, but a constant effort toward a goal.  Yes, single-mindedness and focus is hard work in this digitally, fast-paced modern era of ours but I'm damned glad to be surrounded by the diversity and resources of  the US of A.

1 comment:

  1. I have been there. Gotten over it. Been there. Gotten over nauseam. It is interesting how once you have your mind opened in a certain way, it is somewhat difficult to take your new mindset and house it back in the same old box. I always say I feel like a snake... shedding skin but then my new skin does not fit. and I itch so badly to get rid of it. Like you said, patience is needed because success is a constant effort toward a goal.
    What a wonderful post. I'm glad I am not the only one who feels that way. Especially the part about having a secret one is not supposed to tell.
    One of my favorite quotes... by Leonardo Da Vinci sums up my life of the past 14 years and I think it is probably true for you too after your experience in China: "For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return."
    I never took it to mean just the act of flying but also experiencing life... outside of the familiar. : )
    I will stop now before I get too wanderlustful...
    Hope you are well.
