Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Humanity to the Rescue

Photo Courtesy of
I wanted to put down my thoughts about a story that has been saturating the news waves yesterday and today.  33 Chilean miners have finally been rescued after 69+ days underground. 69 days! Can you imagine the mental warfare your mind must be having with itself to get you through that? The emotions! The anxiety, the fear, the pain, the depression, the boredom...I first heard about it on August 5th when it first happened, kind of forgot about it for awhile, and then as the news flooded all the channels yesterday that they were going to be rescued---sat glued to CNN last night sobbing as the Phoenix capsule first emerged in the underground mine shaft.  I felt like we had just landed on the moon all over again.  In a way we had. We have made another milestone advancement as a people. However, this was not to flex our technological muscles, but as a beautiful gesture of faith and compassion. This was not a race of one country against another, but a united international effort.

We look to so many things in life to rescue us, but sometimes it is ourselves--humanity that will come to the rescue.  There is such strength in the human spirit that normally lays dormant. I began to think, how would I be in that situation? What would I want to do if given another chance to live?  Would I want to do something amazing to test my own invincibility or is it more important I become better in my daily life...

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